16:20:53 From George Rowley (they/them) : The reading: https://postqualitativeresearch.com/2024/01/23/doing-the-glossary/ 16:27:15 From Charlotte : I can't get my speakers to work 16:27:18 From Charlotte : Will be with you asap 16:27:50 From George Rowley (they/them) : Reacted to "I can't get my speak..." with ❤️‍🩹 16:45:43 From George Rowley (they/them) : Sorry David too! 16:47:48 From George Rowley (they/them) To Charlotte(privately) : Please add what you said about the lightening! 17:04:25 From Verlyne To George Rowley (they/them)(privately) : Hi George, I have to step away early for school pickup. I look forward to reconnecting on Wednesday and next week 🙂 17:05:04 From George Rowley (they/them) To Verlyne(privately) : Reacted to "Hi George, I have to..." with 🙏 17:07:09 From Annouchka Bayley : I’ve got to go to another meeting - sorry I had camera off too, I’m so ill! I hope to join again - really interesting. 🙂 17:10:24 From Charlotte To George Rowley (they/them)(privately) : Reacted to "Please add what yo..." with ❤️ 17:11:33 From Nobonke van Tonder : Here is a micro image of clay… 17:11:51 From Charlotte : Reacted to "B3296CBE-150A-4D9F..." with ❤️ 17:11:56 From Synnøve Kvile : Reacted to "B3296CBE-150A-4D9F-9C54-ABA8DDDD4F88_1_105_c.jpeg" with ❤️ 17:11:57 From Mahsa Poost Foroush : Reacted to B3296CBE-150A-4D9F-9C54-ABA8DDDD4F88_1_105_c.jpeg with "❤️" 17:11:59 From George Rowley (they/them) : Reacted to "B3296CBE-150A-4D9F-9C54-ABA8DDDD4F88_1_105_c.jpeg" with ❤️ 17:12:02 From hilaryjanks : How does the notion of cause affect how we do research -question, data analysis, writing, care 17:12:04 From Nobonke van Tonder : Photo Credit: Kali van der Merwe 17:14:51 From Beth Cross she/they Edinburgh : It just occurred to me that we can also approach these questions by asking what difference to these phases of research happen if we approach them by asking about how affect is moving through these phases? 17:15:34 From George Rowley (they/them) : Charlotte you might be interested on Walter Kohan’s work on beginnings 17:16:01 From Charlotte : Reacted to "Charlotte you migh..." with ❤️ 17:18:55 From Elizabeth Blake : Would writing a positionality section be buying into cause and effect? 17:19:40 From Mariana Romero : Reacted to "2.6 Kohan How_to_Begin_A_philosophical_investigati.pdf" with ❤️ 17:23:06 From Angela Beggan : Barad's thoughts on reproducibility are meaningful here, perhaps? The fact that some effects can be reproduced support the notion of causality, but she 'restories' what's actually happening. It's not the 'law of the excluded middle' but rather it is the agential cuts that enact determinate boundaries and measuring agencies. 17:23:15 From Charlotte : This is my positionality image before the 'beings' 17:24:28 From Angela Beggan : Yes, David, - "an accounting of the apparatuses that enact determinate causal structures, boundaries, properties, and meanings." We're responsible for what becomes real. 17:24:58 From Synnøve Kvile : Reacted to "Yes, David, - "an ac..." with ❤️ 17:25:09 From Elizabeth Blake : You made agential cuts without cutting things out. cuttingtogetherapart perhaps 17:25:26 From Elizabeth Blake : Reacted to "Yes, David, - "an ac..." with ❤️ 17:27:56 From Charlotte : That's what Braidotti would say - we don't have to get rid of what has gone before 17:28:07 From Charlotte : Reacted to "You made agential ..." with ❤️ 17:28:46 From David Jay : Reacted to "Yes, David, - "an ac..." with 👍 17:29:44 From Nobonke van Tonder : Thanks to all. great session. 17:30:09 From Angela Beggan : Positionality is a constructionist artefact? 17:30:45 From Angela Beggan : Sorry, have another meeting now. Thanks everyone, great session. 17:30:46 From Sally Brown : Thanks for the excellent discussion! 17:30:51 From Mariana Romero : Thank you so much! 17:30:57 From Hannah : Thank you :) 17:31:00 From Charlotte : Thank you all! 17:31:01 From Sylvia Kind : Thank you - a wonderful discussion with many ideas to take with me