00:20:52 George (they/them): How could writing be other than linear? If writing is too much and not enough, how else could we ‘write’ the research? 00:23:56 Sally Brown: Some of Candace Kuby's work shows alternative ways of writing up research in early literacies 00:24:02 George (they/them): Reacted to "Some of Candace Kuby..." with ❤️ 00:24:51 hilaryjanks: Choose your own adventure novels - different routes through the novel. 00:25:33 George (they/them): Reacted to "Choose your own adve..." with ❤️ 00:25:44 Hannah: Replying to "Choose your own adve..." I was just going to say, I know someone who did this for their PhD 00:25:48 David Jay: This article has a diffractive experiment with montage of fragments: Creating Edinburgh: diffracting interdisciplinary learning and teaching in the contemporary city | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 00:26:22 Giovanna Caetano da Silva: Reacted to "Choose your own adve..." with ❤️ 00:26:23 Charlotte: I am using marginalia within my phd for this reason 00:26:33 George (they/them): Reacted to "I was just going to ..." with 🙀 00:27:15 hilaryjanks: Still a useful question - another limitation of language in addition to representationalism. 00:27:15 Angela Beggan: Reacted to "This article has a d..." with ❤️ 00:38:21 Charlotte: I think intra-action and temporality really help each other 00:39:59 Synnøve Kvile: All four concepts also attends to something here and now - staying with it. Not necessarily going into 'this and that', 'there and then', but staying with the specificities at hand. 00:40:14 Lisa Goddard: I think it’s also helpful to think about how timetemporalitiesspace are a part of intra-action and moving away also from x causes y but thinking about how everything is intra-acting across time and space 00:40:55 Charlotte: Reacted to "All four concepts al..." with ❤️ 00:42:24 Sally Brown: All of the concepts disrupt binaries and make you think in different ways than we are accustomed to in a traditional sense. 00:42:38 Lisa Goddard: I was thinking about the climate crisis and how the multiple temporalities really matters - what happened before on the earth impacts now impacts future and what we imagine for the future impacts our now and how we think about the past... 00:43:38 Synnøve Kvile: Me too!! Love the heads up from George! <3 00:43:42 Verlyne: Thank you George! 00:43:50 Sylvia Kind: Reacted to "Thank you George!" with ❤️ 00:44:28 Sara Zaman: Reacted to "I was thinking about..." with 👏 00:45:25 Lisa Goddard: Lee-suh 00:46:00 Giovanna Caetano da Silva: Reacted to "I was thinking about..." with 👏 00:48:47 George (they/them): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEzydbcVWV4 00:49:11 Karin Murris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEzydbcVWV4 00:57:32 Charlotte: Or disability 00:57:45 Elizabeth Blake: Reacted to "Or disability" with 👍 00:58:23 Angela Beggan: Is 'child' not also a developmental temporality? And does this also need disrupted? 01:00:12 Angela Beggan: Perhaps a fold? 01:21:53 Sally Brown: Sorry - I have to leave to attend a department meeting 01:22:08 Veronica Mitchell: apologies, I have to leave too 01:25:33 hilaryjanks: Nikolas Rose (1999) “Governing the soul - The shaping of the private soul”. Free Association Books. Explains how the psy-sciences have contributed to producing human subject (specially psychological testing and developmental norms. A Foucaultian analysis 01:25:46 Angela Beggan: Reacted to "Nikolas Rose (1999) ..." with ❤️ 01:27:42 Giovanna Caetano da Silva: Sorry, have another meeting. Lovely to be with you all. 01:27:48 Lisa Goddard: Reacted to "Sorry, have another ..." with ❤️ 01:28:53 Hannah: Reacted to "Sorry, have another ..." with ❤️ 01:36:05 Angela Beggan: I like Deleuze's distinction between difference and repetition. "In every respect, repetition is a transgression." 01:39:33 Elizabeth Blake: the words past and present must be troubled 01:40:11 Angela Beggan: I'm off to another meeting. Thank you so much, everyone. 🙂 01:40:26 David Jay: This topic of multiple / quantum temporalities was in the science news just last week: Time can move both forwards and backwards at the quantum scale | New Scientist 01:41:51 Elizabeth Blake: Thank you so much. See you next week. 01:44:32 George (they/them): I have been downloading the chat and it will be avaiable on our website when all these are published 01:44:38 Charlotte: Reacted to "I have been download..." with ❤️ 01:45:11 Charlotte: Massive gratitude to George for holding us all 01:45:25 Lisa Goddard: Reacted to "Massive gratitude to..." with 👏 01:45:42 Hannah: Thank you :) 01:45:46 Charlotte: Thank you so much!