00:53:23 Lisa Goddard: They are powerful only in relation to the power level of the other 01:20:13 Sara Zaman: Unfortunately I need to take off, I'm very sorry to miss the rest of this discussion! 01:23:56 hilaryjanks: The pink sticky note is testimony to my lack of agency to produce a written text. But the medium appears to have agency 01:24:04 George: Reacted to "The pink sticky note..." with 😅 01:24:06 Synnøve (she/her): Reacted to "The pink sticky note..." with 😂 01:24:10 Charlotte: Reacted to "The pink sticky note..." with ❤️ 01:24:10 Lucely Figueroa-Suárez: Reacted to "The pink sticky note..." with 😂 01:31:25 George: What are other agential verbs rather than making a 'cut'? Kneading? 01:35:25 Synnøve (she/her): What about making knots? 01:37:40 Charlotte: Which is the point of diffraction? 01:42:45 hilaryjanks: Barad talks about apparatus but isn’t this another way of saying that what emerges depends on the specificity of particular material arrangements 01:44:35 George: grow.rowley@gmail.com 01:45:16 George: Reacted to "IMG_2386.HEIC" with ❤️ 01:45:18 Verlyne: Thank you!