Our swimming-writing-thinking together emerged out of our engagements with re- conceptualising higher education in the context of South African post-apartheid challenges and within the larger project of justice and decolonial scholarship globally. Deeply aware of how normative practices in the neoliberal academy repeat colonial, patriarchal and humanist logics, we have been working with imaginative, creative, embodied, processual, relational and affective practices to question and re-think conventional ways of doing academia. We seek to engage an alternative politico-ethico-onto-epistemological approach and in this case work with oceanic swimming. Our playful experimental Slow scholarly hydrofeminist praxis embodies post-qualitative methodology that includes swimming, reading, image-making and writing together, while holding in mind the project of doing ethical scholarship for a justice- to-come. Through these becomings-together, new thinkings bubble up as we take our thoughts for a swim, their ripple effects, watery, fluid and flowing, opening up new possibilities for making knowledge.


Tamara Shefer, Vivienne Bozalek & Nike Romano